Ok, so this one was a stretch. This is not a lifestyle blog. I write about food and DIY projects. Sometimes I've made the food, sometimes I review others' food. But I always like having these two avenues as my focus for each post I write.
And then I went to Conneticut and well, I just wanted to share how gorgeous it was, and so made a sandwich, named it the Conneticut Club and away we go!
So... let me tell you about the sandwich first. It wouldn't be fair to show you these houses on an empty stomach.
A club sandwich is typically three slices of bread, with layers of salad, cheeses and a protein, or, in America, two proteins. I wanted to make a "club" sandwich for this post, partially because it felt very appropriate to this part of the country, and partially to represent the Country Club life that is CT. And I want in!! Being in the USA I used turkey instead of chicken, and at the local WholeFoods selected a maple roasted turkey to have finely sliced for me. First stop, the range of options of roasted turkey in the deli's in NY were just phenomenal! Who knew you could roast a turkey that many ways!! I feel sad thinking about our little deli down the street in London that has beef or ham. And that is all.
So to accompany the turkey I put bacon, of course, some Monterey Jack and Gouda cheese's, butter lettuce and sliced tomato. I had a gluten free baguette looking for a good home and with a splosh of mayo, was good to go...
....Off to a happy place, dreaming about life in the Club....
My first exposure to Conneticut was when I was about 6 (or thereabouts) when I started reading The Babysitter's Club, a series about a group of friends who started a babysitting service, set in the fictitious town of Stoneybrook Conneticut. I had then heard references in movies and TV shows and it was always the "Charlotte's" with blue-blooded-Conneticut-upbringings that I have always been curious to see in their natural habitats!
The train out of Manhattan is only an hour in actual time, but about 50 years in perceived time. The houses have manicured lawns (manicured by the gardener silly), each house proudly flies the Star Spangled Banner out front and the children can play on the streets without needing an armed guard. There is space. Tranquility. And maybe a few trust funds!
We were visiting our Oxford friends who was staying with relatives in New Canaan and had two glorious days dreaming about what we could possibly do with a "small condo" that would have to be 6 times the size of our standard London flat. I mentioned that the little town looks like an advert out of the Ralph Lauren AW13 catalogue, to which my friend earnestly told me that No, Ralph lives in the next town over, not this one. Of course he does.
We got to go for a little drive around the area and as we ogled each and every house we passed, we understood why it is such a sought-after location. One hour from Grand Central Terminal and yet a whole world away from the hectic/dirty/noisy/but-yet-incredible life of the city.
Here are just a small sample of the photos we took driving around the New Canaan are of CT. As you can see, there is much to like (if rolling green lawns are your thing I guess).
And well, we felt almost rude driving past these open gates, they were practically beckoning us to come on in for a pitcher of lemonade and cookies.
If I have photographed your house, my sincere apologies. Please allow my husband and I to make it up to you over a round of golf at your club. Baby M felt instantly right at home out here, and didn't have any problems letting the locals know she felt more than comfortable!
Well CT, until we meet again, it was a pleasure.