Today is Mothering Sunday in the UK and being a day to celebrate mothers, today is the perfect day for me to launch a new series of blog posts that I couldn't be more excited to introduce to you...
meg-made has been my own little space on the blogsphere to share my love of cooking, eating, crafting and my family, and now I am opening up my blog to other mums. mum-made will be a monthly series of guest posts from inspirational mums who love making things with their little ones.
I wanted the first post in the mum-made series to be a little bit about why I am doing mum-made and what it means to me. And then I'll be passing the torch on to some pretty awesome women to share their creations and stories with you. These women make no apologies for how much they love being mums and their adorable bubs show the signs with the biggest smiles.
I wanted the first post in the mum-made series to be a little bit about why I am doing mum-made and what it means to me. And then I'll be passing the torch on to some pretty awesome women to share their creations and stories with you. These women make no apologies for how much they love being mums and their adorable bubs show the signs with the biggest smiles.
I always knew I wanted to become a mum. I never knew what I wanted to do for study or work, but one thing that I have always been absolute on is my desire to have a family.
There have of course been hard times, sleepless nights and stomach-flipping-worries, but nothing compares to the joy that this little girl has brought to our lives.
Some of my happiest times as a mum is when I have Madeleine sitting on the bench next to me helping me cook. It makes me so incredibly happy to teach her things as we go, and I love love LOVE how much she enjoys it.
To share something you love, with someone you love, is one of life's great privileges.
And whether we are making something special for Daddy, drawing on a card for a new baby that is soon to be her best friend or making a handprint tea towel, watching my little girl learn and grow makes me such a proud mama.
Through blogging I have been able to get to know some brilliant women and very special mums (although most of them are American mOms!). I wanted to hear from some of these inspiring mums about ways in which they show their love for their families, and how "mum-made" is always made with love.
My first mum-made Mom is the gorgeous Ashley from Words About Waverly. Ashley's little girl Waverly is always the smiliest little tot and has a serious amount of spunk about her. I can't wait to show you what Ashley and Waverly have been making together!
Thank you to all the amazing mums who want to be part of mum-made, it means so much to me and I can't wait to share your beautiful families with everyone!

Psst!! If you are looking for a little more meg-made, I'd LOVE for you to follow along!