
30 April 2013

Ribbon Tie Top

I don't think I am exceptionally tall. Until I go shopping. I really struggle to find clothes that actually fit me (that I then like of course) and as I am still somewhere between my pre-baby weight and my body's survival-while-breastfeeding-therefore-maintaining-fat status, it's even more of a challenge to find clothes that fit. 

Unless of course you couture-yourself! 

I love buying pretty fabrics. In every spare storage spot in our house you will find piles and piles of fabric, just waiting to fulfill its fabric destiny. I had this pretty orange stretch that I thought would make a gorgeous top, and had a tutorial pinned from months ago, so set about making myself a top that fits. 

Ha! My modelling could use some work!!!
The tutorial is from Sweet Verbena and was so simple to follow. I love her fabric choices too, I think it looks very feminine and elegant. I think I am going to make a few more (they are REALLY easy to make) because as I'm crawling around on the floor chasing Baby M these days, it would be nice to not have to constantly tug at my top to stay in place and cover all!!

Do you prefer making any clothes yourself or are you tall and have some favourite stores that you always shop in that you can share with me?!

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  1. Love your top!
    Love Amazon and Banana Republic

    1. Thank you! I too like Banana Republic and have had success in the past with tops, so should try again too!!!

  2. Lovely blouse :)
    Vintage Inspired Girls

    1. Thank you! I love your website, so many gorgeous things! My little one is turning one soon, may have to do a spot of browsing for her!!! xx

  3. This is so cute! I love the fabric! I too am a sucker when it comes to fabrics. In fact my fabric to project ratio is about 50 to 1.

    Wishing you a lovely day!

    1. Thank you! Hehe I work on about that ratio too!!! But, when that one idea comes and you have the PERFECT fabric for it, well then it's all been worthwhile having hasn't it!!! xx

  4. Replies
    1. Oh thank you! That's so lovely! I am far more comfortable and confident BEHIND the camera than posing like a fool in-front!!! xx


Thanks for your comments, I SO love hearing from you! xx Meg