
30 April 2013

Bacon Butter Take Two!

After having made the best dinner ever the other night, I still had some of this amazing Bacon Butter left over...

To which I promptly took care of the following night!

It was Dinner For One the next evening as Mr M had a work dinner, so I didn't want to go to terribly much trouble just for my dinner. I baked a chicken breast, made sweet potato wedges and tossed a simple beetroot & semi-dried tomatoes salad, and topped the chicken with the bacon butter. 

The sweet potato wedges are really easy to make too! Peel and slice thickly the sweet potatoes. Pour a dash of oil in a baking tray and heat in the oven for 5 minutes. Spread the sweet potato out on the tray and bake for 30 minutes, or until crispy on the ends and soft and tender in the middle. Season with salt and chopped parsley, or keep a la naturale if you are serving them to your baby (who, absolutely loves them!). I followed the recipe from Recipes from a Normal Mum

Simple. But thanks to the flavour-packed butter, it was tasty and filling. For a meal that took 10 minutes to prepare, that baked in the oven for 30 minutes whilst I fed Baby M, it was as though I had been slaving away all afternoon creating dinner for myself! 

And sometimes isn't that the best kind of meal?! 

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  1. What temperature do you cook your chicken breast and for how long? Mine always come out dry (they are boneless and skinless). Any secrets to keep it most?

    1. Hmm well have you tried browning it in a pan first for a few minutes each side and then covering in foil and baking for another 10-15 minutes? I would do that on a moderate oven 180C/350F. I do sometimes use a meat thermometer to test that its cooked before it dries out too. I hope this helps xxx


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