
03 July 2014

Fast Diet Recipe: Green Pea Hummus

I thought I would provide a slightly healthy relief from my recent Bunny Party recipes with a Fast Diet recipe idea... 

Green Pea Hummus. 

After the past few weeks/months of indulging a little too much, travelling and trying new foods, and working my butt off with wholesale orders, I've kind of let my eating habits suffer a little. 

And I have felt the impact on my hips!! So, hello Fast Diet, I am back! 

If you read A Cup of Jo you would have seen this one listed a few months back, and I pinned it and have basically waited for a rainy day! Well, that rainy day was yesterday. 

I adapted the recipe slightly, as I wanted to bulk it up a little, so used chickpeas instead of tahini, but it was delicious this way, so I'll probably keep to the adaptation. 

This makes two generous servings, which I had with carrots and celery for a delicious pre-dinner snack that was low-calorie and highly satisfying. 


1 cup frozen peas, cooked until tender, drained and cooled
1/2 cup chickpeas, drained
1/4 teaspoon cumin
1/4 cup fresh coriander/cilantro
2 cloves garlic
Juice from one lime


1. Pulse all ingredients in a food processor until a chunky-smooth consistency

Season to taste and then enjoy with freshly cut vegetables or with crackers if you're not Fasting!

Did you try the original recipe out from A Cup of Jo? Do you make your own hummus?

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  1. Ooooh, this sounds so interesting Meg! I love peas and the flavour of peas, so I'm sure I would enjoy this. I know my girls would LOVE it! I was going to make homemade hummus the other day but I didn't have any tahini. You could have just solved the problem!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Wishing you a lovely day.

    1. Perfect, you should definitely give it a go! I would pulse it a little longer next time to make it a little runnier, but otherwise, mmm yummy! xx


Thanks for your comments, I SO love hearing from you! xx Meg