
10 June 2014


My baby is TWO! 

I can hardly believe I have a two year old already. 

And yet, it is so hard to believe that I haven't loved this little girl my entire life. 

Everyone tells you how much your life is going to change when you have a baby. 

But nobody could ever prepare you for how every facet of your life is made better because of their very existence. 

I've spent most of the day reflecting on the past two years and the incredible life we've had with this beautiful little girl. 

I was actually awake at the very minute Miss Madeleine turned two, at 12:41am on the 10th of June. I was up late doing orders and skyping with (39 weeks pregnant) Saraid and reminiscing (with just a few tears) about the past two years and the incredible life we've had with this beautiful little girl. 

She'll be having a little party on the weekend with her besties and cake but I wanted today to be a special day for her as well. 

We started with a family tradition, pancakes for breakfast, interspersed with many many Skype calls from around the world. 

We then  hopped on the Tube and went and met Daddy for lunch in the city. And a spot of shopping, courtesy of Grandma!!! 

Maddie (ahem, and myself) then settled in for a long afternoon nap, before some pretty exciting playtime when Daddy got home, testing out multiple new wheels! Maddie hasn't hidden her scooter-envy very well over the past few months, but thanks to Aunty Julie & Uncle Neil, she now has THE coolest scooter in Hampstead! Complete with a bell! 

There have been SO many happy little moments today, but this scene makes my heart warm. The love that gushes from around the globe for our daughter makes us so proud. Even though we are so far from friends and family, we felt surrounded by love today and are so grateful that Maddie has so many special people in her life. 

With just a tiny amount of fear of what toddlerhood may bring, I can't wait to continue falling more and more in love with our little girl each and every day. I just can't believe how lucky I am to be her mama. 

Happy 2nd Birthday Madeleine Kit. 

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Ashley!! When is Waverly's big 2?? It must be coming up?xx

  2. She is so dang cute! Happy, happy 2nd birthday sweet girl! xx

    1. Thank you so so much Christina! It feels like it was just yesterday that my baby was the size of your baby!!!!! It goes way to quickly!!! xx

  3. Maddie is two?! No! Really?! I know you probably feel this way but didn't she just turn one? I can hardly believe it. She looks so mature in these pictures. Wow. Of course you made her celebrations positively wonderful.

    Happy Birthday beautiful little Maddie! Sending much love from Canada.

    1. Thank you SO much Jennifer! It does feel like I was planning her 1st Birthday just yesterday and already she's a big 2 year old! Does it ever slow down? I can't wait for her party on the weekend!! Thank you for the Canadian love! xx

  4. Happy Birthday Maddie!!! :) We can't believe you are TWO! :) And what a cute scooter! Give the birthday girl a big hug and kiss from Texas!!

    1. Thanks Lauren! These girls of ours are growing up way too quickly! Thanks for the Texas smooches, right back at you! xx

  5. Happy Birthday Madeline! She is too cute and sweet for words!!!

    1. Thanks Chrissy! How much fun are these little two year olds of ours?! xx


Thanks for your comments, I SO love hearing from you! xx Meg