
30 April 2014

On being Thankful

I just wanted to take a few moments to thank you for reading my blog.

Thank you for commenting, I love hearing from you!

Thank you for liking a post on Facebook.

Thank you for pinning a recipe.

Thank you for retweeting something small I have written.

Thank you for liking a photo on Instagram.

And thank you for visiting my Etsy store and perhaps even making a purchase.

Becoming a mum has changed absolutely everything about my life, and forced me to evaluate what is really important to me.

To have opened my Etsy store and have my blog has been the perfect outlet for my creativity and desire to maintain some of my own interests in the mix of being a stay home mum. I've learned so much in just one year and have taken such pride in each and every meg-made order I have shipped. 

I just wanted to say thank you for supporting me over the past year. I am so grateful for your kind words which always comes when I need them most. I am so grateful for this global mums-group that I have been included in, the advice and support has been much needed. 

This week I am saying thank you in a few different ways! I ran a giveaway to send 200 balloons off to 10 lovely ladies. Thank you so much to everyone who entered. There was about 65 entrants, which overwhelmed my little heart!

Today I had my 100th order. It is a huge milestone for me and to say thank you, I am sending Penelope's order off to her absolutely free!

And to my little muse, Madeleine, none of this would be anything without you. You are my inspiration, my motivation and my every heartbeat.

Thank you so much for allowing me to dream.

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Psst!! If you are looking for a little more meg-made, I'd LOVE for you to follow along!

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  1. Meg, stumbled across your blog a little while ago and just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy it, especially the delicious recipes! So a big thank you to you too - the courgette chips are a family favourite but have to call them zucchini chips as I am in Aus!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words Manda! I love to hear from another Aussie! xx

  2. You are the sweetest, and such a great mum!!! Xo

    1. Right back at you Ashley!! Thank you so much!! xx

  3. Congrats on the 100th order! I got my package of balloons in the mail. I am so excited to get them blown up for Elin's party!!!

    1. Thanks Chrissy!! I cannot wait to see photos of Elin's party, its going to be so beautiful!!! Don't forget to send me some pictures xx

    2. I won't! I will definitely send you some! :)


Thanks for your comments, I SO love hearing from you! xx Meg