
09 April 2014

Easter Crafting - Bunny Ear Bags

Bunny ear bags meg-made
I have a complicated relationship with Easter.

From the age of 9 chocolate has given me migraines and so wasn't exactly excited to see what the Easter Bunny had left in my basket.

I always felt like such a deprived child slowing dissolving my sickly sweet sugar egg while everyone's chocolate melted in their fingers.

Oh to eat chocolate again... anyway, I digress. 

So then I grew up.

A little. Not completely.

And my Husband and I started a little Easter ritual of our own. We would always go out to his parents farm in Stanthorpe for Easter and we would make our own batch of fudge so that I was no longer Mopey-Meg at Easter time. 

And THEN, I became a Mum, and all was good and well in the world again. I love Christmas because there is a lot more "family-ness" but I must say, I do love the pastels, the polka dots and all the bunnies. Easter definitely leans itself towards children and I am enjoying being one of them!! 

This week I have started preparing little Easter gifts for some special kiddies we will be seeing over Easter (look away now Kate and Jasmina) and just enjoying some themed craft with Maddie (yes yes, me and themes). 

I pinned some little bunny ear bags months ago but then found a more recent tutorial that I preferred, not that it really requires an explanation, but a template helps! 

I plan on filling these little bags with little treats (edible and otherwise) for Maddie and her little friends and think they are just adorable!!

Bunny ear bags meg-made

Bunny ear bags meg-made

We also made an Easter Egg Bunting the other day, which was a lot of (messy) fun, and is now proudly hanging on the end of her cot. 

But the bunny ear bags, is it wrong to make one for me too??

Bunny ear bags meg-made

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Psst!! If you are looking for a little more meg-made, I'd LOVE for you to follow along!

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  1. Oh Meg, these are cute, cute, cute!

    You amaze me with the elegance in your crafts. So cute, yet sophisticated! I wish we lived closer to one another... I would take some crafting (and cooking) lessons from you.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you so much Jennifer, what a sweet sweet comment. Hehe I could be your crazy home-ec teacher that could come in and make one heck of a mess!! I hope your weekend was a bit warmer!! xx

  2. I agree with Jennifer! I wished you lived closer to me too (which I think may take you further away from Jennifer!). Such great craft days with Meg and Maddie :)
    - Saraid

    1. I wish we could have craft days with our little girls too....who knows what the future holds!!!! xx

  3. Meg I'm new to your blog and will now follow on bloglovin. (Visiting from Sew Many Ways) I'd like to personally invite ya to stop by and add this post to my Tuesday Archives Linky party! It's the linky that rejuvenates old posts...and today's theme is bunnies and baskets!! It's been fun! You post would make a wonderful addition to the linky. Nice to meet ya! :)Val

    1. Hi Valerie! Thank you for stopping by and for following! I Have just popped on over to your blog and joined in the link party, thanks for the invite!!! Shall have a browse through the other posts too!! Thanks so much!!! xx


Thanks for your comments, I SO love hearing from you! xx Meg