
28 February 2014

Gender Reveal Party Confetti Filled Balloons

I've been totally surprised and thrilled by how popular confetti-filled balloons have been on my Etsy store. I first made confetti-filled balloons for Madeleine's 1st Birthday last year, and after being asked so much when I bought them from, decided to start selling them on my Etsy store. I'm not sure if you've seen my photos lately on Instagram, but I've been busy shipping some rather large orders to a few companies in the USA who are going to be selling them too, which is totally exciting! 
Gender reveal party balloons gender reveal confetti balloons gender reveal confetti filled balloons
A new but related product which I have been testing and re-testing has been confetti filled balloons for a Gender Reveal Party, and have now finally listed them on my store. 
gender reveal party confetti-filled balloons  gender reveal confetti filled balloons gender reveal confetti filled balloons
meg-made gender reveal party confetti-filled balloons
gender reveal party confetti-filled balloons  gender reveal confetti filled balloons gender reveal confetti filled balloons
I kept testing different quality balloons in different colours until I thought I had found the winner. I had a lovely lady agree to test my potential winners, which worked out great, and she loved them..

meg-made gender reveal party confetti-filled balloons
gender reveal party confetti balloons  gender reveal confetti balloons gender reveal confetti balloons gender reveal party
But when I tested with some polka dot balloons, I fell in love! The search was over!
meg-made gender reveal party confetti-filled balloons
gender reveal party confetti balloons  gender reveal confetti filled balloons gender reveal confetti balloons gender reveal
And because I was/am impatient and didn't want to wait another month for another test phase, I posed for a photo myself - - and so I must add a disclaimer in right now - No, I am not pregnant! Even my Husband raised an eyebrow and asked if this was my way of telling him, but I am not pregnant, just impatient! And yes, I do have Globophobia...

meg-made gender reveal party confetti-filled balloons
gender reveal party confetti-filled balloons  gender reveal confetti filled balloons gender reveal confetti filled balloons

But it was kind of fun pretending to be pregnant for five seconds, and if I am lucky enough to fall pregnant again, I'll be for sure using confetti-filled balloons to reveal whether Maddie would have a brother or sister. I think its such a fun way of involving friends and family in such a special moment in your lives. 

For my original confetti-filled balloons and other party supplies, see my Poppins range on Etsy or send me an email if you have custom requests (which I LOVE doing!!).

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Psst!! If you are looking for a little more meg-made, I'd LOVE for you to follow along!

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Catherine! It almost makes me want to have another just so I can do the balloons!!!!! :) xx


Thanks for your comments, I SO love hearing from you! xx Meg