
17 February 2014

30 to 30 Plank Challenge: Completed

My apologies for being a little AWOL lately, I know you are probably not sleeping well without knowing the results of my 30 to 30 plank challenge (haha sure), so I thought I'd let you rest easy tonight and put your mind at ease!!!

In case you missed what on earth I am talking about, 30 days before my 30th Birthday I decided that I wanted to be able to hold a 90 second plank by the time I started my next decade. The plank itself was a symbol of strength to me. It wasn't so much about actually holding the plank but more about what the plank represented: that I was putting a focus on health, that I was strong, that my lower back and abs were finally healed, and that I no longer had to be the only girl in my classes to not try exercises because of fear of not being strong enough. 

I started out a bit rocky. And with terrible form!

But luckily, I am related to a physio guru who put an end to my terrible form and taught me how to do a proper plank. Joanne taught me the two keys to a strong and safe plank, which helped me no end!

As my Birthday got closer and closer I got more nervous about not actually being able to hold for the full 90 seconds...

After a spectacular Birthday lunch up in Gornegrat gazing out to the Matterhorn we got back to our chalet and I decided to get my plank done before the bubbles were popped! 

And Day 30 looked a little something like this....

WOOHOO!!! I did it! I was going to try and smash the 90 seconds and make 100, but as soon as I got to the 90 second mark, I just collapsed into the snow! There was no sense in over-achieving!!!! So instead I went back inside, got warm, and enjoyed a delicious bottle of bubbles with my Husband while we played with our little girl. It was the very best Birthday I could ever wish for, and achieving my Plank Challenge goals gave me a little sense of achievement amongst the bubbles and Matterhorn-gazing! 

Thanks for Birthday wishes and plank support, it's been a fun little challenge to set myself and I loved being accountable to the IG world, so thanks for following along! 

I have a serious backlog of posts to get going on, so I'll leave it there! Wishing you a great start to the week!!

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Psst!! If you are looking for a little more meg-made, I'd LOVE for you to follow along!

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  1. Woo hoo! Congratulations Meg! You can see the change in your form too! Way to go.

    Wishing you a lovely day.

    1. Thank you so much!! Thanks for the positive feedback too, I tend to be a teeny bit self-critical (don't we all) so it's nice to have such nice comments, thank you!! xx


Thanks for your comments, I SO love hearing from you! xx Meg