
17 January 2014

Baby Clothes Patchwork Quilt

A patchwork of little memories! 

We are definitely getting to that stage of things that we're nostalgic about days with our little baby, as our little independently minded toddler starts taking over (seriously, yesterday she chose her own coat and shoes, she's only 18 months old for goodness sake!!!). But, this post is about another little girl who I've been nostalgically reflecting about, my niece Lahna. When we were visiting them in Jersey a few months ago my sister-in-law offered up 6 boxes of old clothes that they are donating to charity and wanted to know if I wanted anything for Maddie first. I've always thought about making a Baby Clothes Patchwork Quilt, and now I had some materials!! I made sure they had kept the super special pieces and went along with my pile of clothes in the ruse of taking a second wardrobe for Madeleine.

I will make one for my own  daughter one day too, but I will say, cutting into Lahna's clothes felt a little bit like cutting into old memories. But then, when I saw the finished product I knew it was worth it, and now they can keep all of those memories in one tidy, comfy (and cozy) place!

There are presumably millions of Patchwork Quilt tutorials out there, so I won't rehash those, but I just wanted to share the finished product with you! 

meg-made: Baby Clothes Patchwork Quilt

When I was making each piece I was reminiscing about when she used to wear that particular item.  Most of these clothes were from when she was around 1 year old, which was when we had left Australia and got to start spending so much time with her. Each of the squares brought back such happy memories for Aunty Meg!!! 

meg-made: Baby Clothes Patchwork Quilt

For example, there were her first big girl pi's...

And the super bright T-shirt that we went and picked flowers in while touring Orgueil Castle in Jersey...

And the purple trousers she wore one day when we were all holidaying in Italy together, when she crawled around Verona....

I loved making little patches from pockets and frills, and hope it is something she (or her mama) will hold onto for some time.  

meg-made: Baby Clothes Patchwork Quilt

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, hooray for Fridays!!

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Psst!! If you are looking for a little more meg-made, I'd LOVE for you to follow along! 

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  1. I really want to make a baby clothes quilt for my daughters. I started one about 5 years ago (cut out the squares) but I've been too scared to try assembling it (as I have never made a quilt, ever, in my life)!

    It's on my to do list for 2014! Thanks for reminding me to pursue this project.

    1. Oh well if you've already cut the squares, you've already done the hard yakka!!! I would offer to do a tutorial but mine quilts are never professional, I just sew squares together to make columns, then sew the columns together and tadaaaaa! If you do get around to finishing yours I would LOVE to see it!!!! xx

  2. oh my god that baby is so so so cute:))).Love this post:)


Thanks for your comments, I SO love hearing from you! xx Meg