
10 December 2013

Half Birthday Honey Sponge cake (GF)

This post is dedicated to Madeleine's two Grandfathers. 

To my Dad, Pop, who shared with me a love for half birthdays, which I am now carrying on to my children in the hopes they will embrace the indulgence with me too. 

And to Pete's Dad, Granddad, who has been trying to force honey on this child since the day she was born. It is now officially safe to give Maddie some honey, so as promised, she had honey in her cake today! 

Today Madeleine turned 18months old, one and a half!! Happy Half Birthday darling girl! 

meg-made: Happy Half Birthday honey sponge cake GF

It is incredible to think this world didn't know this sweet little girl only 18 months ago, and yet I can't believe how long I feel like I have known her for, and can't believe it's only been 1.5 years. 

I wanted to make a fairly simple sponge cake today and to appease her Granddad, I added some honey in, so that hopefully he can see we don't deprive her!! 

meg-made: Happy Half Birthday honey sponge cake GF

I followed this recipe from Gluten Free on a Shoestring, but omitted the corn starch and lemon, and added two tablespoons of honey instead. 

meg-made: Happy Half Birthday honey sponge cake GF

It was a lighter cake than I have made so far gluten free, however still wasn't the light and airy sponges that I used to love!! I think next time I would beat the egg white together with the yolks, and then add the dry ingredients later, I feel like that would produce a fluffier batter. But it smells delicious and Husband says it is so (I'm fasting today so this cruel and unusual punishment afternoon of baking really should earn me double weight loss this week!!). 

meg-made: Happy Half Birthday honey sponge cake GF

Happy Half Birthday Maddie, what an overwhelmingly joyful 18 months it has been.

Please forever stay this sweet and loving.

Mum xx

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  1. Awww, happy 1.5th birthday Miss Maddie! The cake looks scrumptious!

    1. Thanks Emma!! It was almost as good as your Melting Moments!!!!! Well, not quite that good, they were unreal!!!! xx

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Ashley! They're growing up too quickly aren't they!? xx

  3. I love the half birthday idea! I need that since I'm a December birthday. I always envied my friends who would have picnics and pool parties on their birthdays!

    Lovely cake Meg!

    1. Oh see I was the opposite and got so sick of having pool parties for my birthday!!! I guess it will depend on how many kiddies we end up having, but I like doing a little mini-celebration twice a year, why not hey?!! xx

  4. That half birthday cake is so cute! I love the gold candles too. Just lovely.

    1. Thanks Jamie!! I was really happy with how it turned out too, especially given I started making it at 6pm and was Madeleine's dessert at 8!!! xx


Thanks for your comments, I SO love hearing from you! xx Meg