
16 October 2013

meg-made it to A Salt & Battery, St Lucia, (review)

I bet you don't think I'm serious when I say that I have a list of places to eat in Australia when we're short on time, but I do! And much like Grill'd, A Salt & Battery is pretty high up on that list of places not to miss while we are home. 

I went to the University of Queensland to get my undergrad degrees, which is in a beautiful suburb of St Lucia in Brisbane. My husband (then boyfriend) lived on campus, without a car for the most part, so we were a little restricted as to where he would wine and dine me!!! Restricted in location, not taste!

Luckily, there were a gazillion others in the same boat, so the clever people of St Lucia started trading off such folk, and a range of great (some not so) restaurants/pubs/cafes ran a roaring trade throughout term time. One that has stood the test of time, is our much favoured A Salt & Battery. 

So many happy memories of getting some beer from the bottlo next door and sitting down to an immense meal of freshly cooked seafood! And nothing has changed!! I took all these photos on my iPhone sorry, so they aren't the best!!

Living in the UK has really made me appreciate what an Australian fish and chippery has to offer! The range of options is just awesome!!

And even the salads are a bit creative too. I always ALWAYS order the pumpkin salad (top right) and it is just divine. The sweetest of the roasted pumpkin goes perfectly with the salty seafood too.

And for the gluten intolerant out there.... check out my plate of amazingness....and it's ALL GF!!! They make Sweet Potato Chips and they are GF, you can have your fish grilled (and not dusted in flour), the scallop sticks are grilled, and the pumpkin salad is GF too! Hooray!!

( NB: The quality of these photos was soo bad I had to mess badly with the exposure settings to make them look halfway decent!! Any iPhone photo-taking tips at night would be greatly appreciated!!)

It was kind of early on a Tuesday night, which is why this place isn't heaving, but as we had a tired little traveller to tuck into bed it suited us perfectly for a quick and easy dinner out.  So so so good. Thanks for never changing ASB, you rock!!

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  1. Oh wow! Looks and sounds amazing! So many options too!

    Have you tried PicMonkey for photo editing? It's free and I find it can transform even my worst pictures. (I have an iPhone too).

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  2. Darn UK iTunes won't allow it, but I have found another similar program, so hopefully I will have some better iPhone photos in the future! Thanks for the tip!!
    The options WERE amazing! I just miss all the fresh seafood choices that we don't have here in the UK. Wishing you a lovely day too Jennifer xx


Thanks for your comments, I SO love hearing from you! xx Meg