
30 June 2013

So long, farewell, googlereader says goodbye...

I hate (for you) to go and leave this pretty sight...

How is it the end of June already?! This means the end of another month, the end of the financial year in Australia, and, the end of Google Reader.

Luckily I have remembered to transfer my blog lists across to Bloglovin (today of course, we don't want to be overly organised or anything) and have just wondered if you have done the same??

 Here is a "how to" guide on importing your blog lists from Google Reader to Bloglovin if you're not entirely sure how to do this.

We can't bear the thought of saying adieu, adieu, to yieu, and yieu and yieu... 

So, be sure to follow meg-made on Bloglovin, or whichever reader you go with from here on in, 

Follow on Bloglovin

And I hope you like, to stay and taste your first champagne...

And all of the many other glorious foods and drinks and creative pursuits that you'll read about on meg-made! I really hope you come across with me, I'd hate to say goodbye to you already!!!!!

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  1. I'm following you on Bloglovin' Meg - so I'll be hanging around drinking all the champagne until you kick me out.

    Wishing you a lovely day!

  2. Oh I would never kick you out Jennifer!!! Thanks for coming across with me! I too am following you on Bloglovin. xx


Thanks for your comments, I SO love hearing from you! xx Meg