
08 May 2013

Swings and roundabouts

I've had writers block this week. Writers block. Bakers block. Bloggers block. I have been busy with lots of little projects, too many projects, and none of which are finished, which makes me feel very restless! There has been more migraines and sickness over the past week and yet more happy moments and good company that I am so grateful for. On balance its been such a great week, but yet, I still feel whelmed. 

And what do I do when I'm feeling whelmed, I go and squeeze my little koala bear (Baby M of course) and instantly feel light as a feather. She's had the ability of cheering people up since she was a newborn. If you are crying in her company, she'll start laughing until you smile back at her. All the crabby bus folk can't help but crack a smile when she breaks into spontaneous "peek-a-boo" games with them. She just makes people happy. And so when she's sleeping, that's when I pour through the hundreds upon hundreds of photos that I've taken of her that week. And even through the lens of a camera, she has the ability to make me feel infintiely happier.

Last weekend we took her to the swings for the very first time.

She was somewhat nervous to start with, as was mummy! But here are just a few sweet photos of our little one getting her swing-legs!

I hope to push through the bloggers block quickly and if not, well, I have hundreds upon hundreds of photos I can be adding each week!!!

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  1. That's a cool swing! I LOVE her stripes!!

    1. Oh golly we have so many stripes it's ridiculous!!! I do have a particular love of this little jacket though too, it's so sweet on her!! xx

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Ashley, she'd fit in with Waverly on a Trendy Tot Tuesday in it perhaps!!! xx

  3. Oh my goodness... what a sweetie!

    Wishing a quick recovery from "the block". In the meantime, I love the photos of your lovely one.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hehe thanks Jennifer! The bloggers block seems to have passed, now I just need to get creative in the kitchen and at the sewing machine again!! xx

  4. beautiful pictures, Meg! You are so talented at so many things!

    1. Thanks Bess, I'm not so sure about that, but I am a swing-demon for sure!!! xx


Thanks for your comments, I SO love hearing from you! xx Meg