
12 April 2013

Photo Phriday

I really can't decide if I love the name, or if it irritates me! But, that's one of the great things about a blog... I can change it whenever I want!! It's not a printed publication, forever lining greasy fish and and chips.... anyway, I love the alliteration (and HATE photo being spelled with an "f"), so for now, it stays. 

I had a thought the other day about wanting to do a regular post once a week that is a photo only. 

Of absolutely anything, not necessarily of anything 'meg has made'. 

And so I've decided to give it a go. I think it will be fun to look back over a year's worth of Fridays and see a snapshot of our lives. One photo. No words. 

So, later on today will be my very first Photo Phriday posting... I promise I won't only post of Baby M, but a few may sneak their way in!! 

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