
18 February 2013

Duck Pancakes

It was my first "new" meal of the week last week, and browsing through a Donna Hay cookbook that I haven't looked in for yonks, I came across Pork pancakes, and crispy Duck wontons. We don't eat a lot of pork in our house (although our American friends are changing that in a hurry thanks to the introduction of pulled pork and "Barbeque") but I wanted to try cooking duck for the first time, so I combined the two ideas and made Duck Pancakes.

I marinated the duck in Chinese Five Spice and cooked it for a few minutes either side until it was well cooked. I did not make the pancakes, I ordered Chinese pancakes, which I have no idea how they are different from regular thin wraps, but they suited the meal, so I would buy them again.

You can really put anything you like in the wraps to accompany the duck, but I used some hoison sauce, sliced scallions, peeled cucumber and bean sprouts. There was a lovely contrast of crunchy and fresh, to warm and saucy!!

The only trouble with this meal was that we had our little pancakes and then were looking around for mains....oh dear!

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