
06 March 2012

Name blocks and bunting...

We have three girls names that we are tossing up between at the moment, and as the due date gets closer and closer, the decision seems to get more and more difficult!

But, that isn't going to put my nesting instincts on hold, so I am pressing on without a name, and just making sure I have made accommodations for whichever we are deciding between.

When my little niece was due to come in and change our lives 3 years ago, I made her a little cot blanket of varying greens and yellow polkadots (they weren't finding out the gender ahead of time). And then when my little nephew was due to come along, I wanted to make something other than a blanket, and so made him some named soft blocks. I thought until he was big enough to play with them, they'd look sweet in his bedroom, spelling out his beautiful name. And then, he can throw them around (and possibly at his big sister) and it wouldn't do any damage!

For Christmas gifts, Holly enlisted my help to make some blocks for her new nephew and a friends' baby girl too, and so here are the three sets of blocks that I have made:

For my nephew Morgan

For Hollys' nephew Reed

For Holly's friends' daughter Sofia

When it comes to our little bub though, we don't really have a heap of space in our nursery, so I thought I would do Name Bunting instead. But, until we have picked the name, it is just a plain bunting for now (with more than enough letters for any of our options!). I like that the bunting fills the white space of an entire wall, and is an effective tie-in for our colour scheme! 

What do you think?

Now, what letters am I to cut out.....

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